Men’s Health Focus

June is Men’s Health Month. It is the perfect time to celebrate all the men we care about whether they’re fathers, husbands, friends or brothers, by encouraging healthy lifestyle choices and behaviors. There are proactive steps that can be taken to help ensure lasting wellness for the men in our lives. Specifically this month, we shed light on the function of the prostate gland. As men age, it is quite likely their prostate will enlarge. This is part due to a “cousin” of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT can become out of balance and cause a cycle of prostate irritation. Common consequences are a restriction in urine flow, incomplete bladder emptying, increased urgency and even decreased semen production and lower libido. Another lesser known consequence of DHT irritation is hair follicle stress, contributing to hair loss and balding.

Prostate conversations do not need to be “Taboo”

Know your family history.

Some men don’t share their prostate problems with immediate family, including their sons. Related men in the family need to be aware of a family history of prostate problems – especially prostate cancer. While your habits, lifestyle and environment can contribute to your health, genetics also play a role. Be informed of your family history to create the healthiest lifestyle plan.

Talk to your doctor about your prostate!

Don’t leave the prostate topic “unspoken.”  If you’re in for your blood pressure checkup, set a plan with your doctor to also talk about your prostate. A discussion about the prostate gland should be included in your annual physical. If your doctor doesn’t bring it up, you should ask the question.

Having a “prostate plan” (which may include regular prostate exams and possible blood testing) is vitally important – especially if there is a family history of prostate cancer. Remember, if your father or brother has had prostate issues, your chances of developing prostate-related challenges significantly increases. 

All men over 40 should be talking to their doctors about setting a “prostate plan” for now and the future.

Further Protect your Prostate

If you don’t know much about your prostate, you certainly are not alone. There are many men who don’t. That being said, it is necessary to get educated to monitor and maintain your health as you get older. Especially because prostate issues are a leading cause of health problems for men.   

What is the function of the Prostate?
The prostate is a small organ approximately the size of a walnut. It lies below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. The prostate plays an essential role in both proper sexual function, reproduction and protection from bladder infections.

More than 50% of men in their 60s and as many as 90% of men in their 70s experience challenges with an enlarged prostate. Men in their 40s often even notice changes in urinary patterns due to prostate issues, including getting up at night to use the restroom.  Additionally, more than 30 million men suffer from prostate conditions that negatively affect their quality of life, including prostate cancer. According to the US Center for Disease Control, aside from non-melanoma skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the United States. It is also one of the leading causes of cancer death among all men.

Consider a Natural Prostate Supplement

Along with a healthy diet, using a nature-based prostate supplement may be helpful to nutritionally support your prostate.*  Fortunately, there has been much research in using herbals and phytonutrients for the promotion of prostate health. Saw Palmetto, Beta-sitosterol, pygeum and others have been investigated for prostate health. Other substances like cranberry, grape seed extract, and even nettle root have been studied with positive outcomes for urinary health. The minerals Selenium and Zinc may also play supportive roles.*

An excellent option for prostate support is the Eniva Natural Health Prostate formula.* This supplement contains specialized botanicals and nutrients to support the health of your prostate in a nature-based way. Its combination of ingredients deliver noticeable results after only a few weeks of use.*

Eniva Prostate Complete

Doctor Formulated & Science Backed to Support:
• Health and size of the prostate*
• Healthy urinary flow and frequency*
• Healthy bladder function*
• Hormonal balance*
• Healthy hair follicles*
• Sexual health*

Key Ingredients include:

• Saw Palmetto: Extensively researched and clinically supported, it plays a role in testosterone metabolic processing and promoting healthy DHT balance.

• Beta-Sitosterol With Phytosterols: A purified plant substance that is the main, active sterol found in saw palmetto and pygeum.
• Pygeum: The extract of evergreen trees in central and southern Africa has three main constituents: Phytosterols (including beta-sitosterol, Pentacyclic terpenes and Ferulic esters. These substances play a role in combating irritation, and may influence testosterone and DHT binding.*
• Cranberry: Cranberry Extract contains powerful proanthocyanidins that can support a healthy urinary tract.*
• Evening Primrose Seed Oil: Evening Primrose Seed Oil contains gamma linolenic acid (GLA), a fatty acid the body converts to a helpful hormone-like substance called prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and may also independently posses properties that promote healthy testosterone metabolism.*

Natural Prostate Health – Verified Reviews

Get Results
I wanted to share with you that my husband has been able to solely use the Natural Health Prostate supplement with even better results than what he was using before. His trips to the bathroom at night have been cut in half which is allowing him to sleep better without any side effects. Thank you for this great product!”

Eniva is Helping Me
“Thankful for the wonderful nutrition products I get from Eniva. I started a whole regimen of VIBE, Cal-Mag, Strontium, and Eniva’s Prostate formula. I immediately started feeling better. My PSA is in the healthy range, and I feel fabulous… the best I’ve felt in years.”

A Healthy Prostate – Importance of a Healthy Diet

We’ve all heard it by now: fruits and vegetables provide the necessary vitamins and minerals – and especially antioxidants – needed for the body to perform at its best. Fresh, organic varieties are ideal, but when time, budget or busy lifestyles don’t allow for the perfect diet, supplements can help. An all-liquid, high-antioxidant version, such as VIBE Fruit & Veggies Superfoods, can fill in those nutritional gaps. It’s ability to support healthy DNA is also important for men who may be under stress or are having physical challenges.*

Did you Know: Consuming just 3 servings of vegetables per day can lower prostate cancer risk by up to 45%

Foods that Support Prostate Health

• Selenium is greatly needed to keep your prostate healthy. The foods containing good levels of Selenium are: eggs, cashews, brazil nuts, garlic, kelp, wheat germ, tuna, herring and other shellfish and seafood, cashews, onions, mushrooms, sesame and sunflower seeds, beef liver and kidney.
• Zinc
consumption in the amount of 15 mg per day helps for proper and healthy prostate function. Excellent Zinc sources are pumpkin seeds in the shell, oysters, nuts and beans.
• Vitamin A is found in higher levels contained in fish, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and chard. Vitamin A also is found in orange vegetables of sweet potatoes, pumpkins or squashes and carrots. Yellow fruits of mangoes and papayas are also good sources.
• Vitamin E
is found at increased levels in w
heat germ oil, almonds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, avocado, peanut butter and fish such as trout and salmon.
• Lycopene is an antioxidant found in tomatoes which has been shown in clinical studies to support prostate health – especially  when carotenoids and other phytonutrients are combined for increased synergy. Also, it’s interesting to note that studies have been preformed showing bioavailability of Lycopene is higher when tomatoes have been heated or cooked, especially if cooked with oil. The heat action assists with Lycopene separation from carrier proteins.

Avoid Certain Foods & Beverages

Altering food consumption is one way to help the prostate.
• Avoid overly spicy foods that may irritate your prostate.
• Other prostate irritants include coffee, high-sugar sodas and alcohol. Therefore, limiting the consumption of these beverages, especially before bed, can help.
Some researchers believe saturated fats from dairy products and meats may increase prostate risk factors. Meals containing high levels of fatty meats or dairy products can raise testosterone levels that may impact prostate enlargement and abnormal cell growth.

Drink Plenty of Water & Healthy Fluids

Some men are tempted to limit their fluid intake to help lessen an uncomfortable or painful feeling when urinating, but this is not wise. Concentrated urine is an easy place for bacteria to breed, and a weak flow may cause baceria to not fully clear out. Continue to drink plenty of water which helps make your urine less concentrated thus less irritation for the bladder. Also, more urine in the bladder creates more volume and good pressure for a stronger stream to push urine out and fully empty the bladder.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Any research referred to in this article is not meant to be interpreted as research results involving specific Eniva products.

At Eniva, we believe each human body was designed to be healthy. It was designed to be energetic, lean, agile, and resilient towards healing. You were created to live an abundant, healthy and vibrant life. Eniva is proud to create and manufacture pure liquid nutraceuticals with no artificial preservatives. Our liquid supplements are natural solutions to help you feel and look your best.